Ayurvedic Management of Fibroid

fibroid treatment
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In this era, we all are facing some kind of stress, either in personal or its professional lives. Moreover, due to certain challenges for a better survival, our daily routine, lifestyle and eating habits changed drastically. However, if we try to manage this to some extent, there are still some factors which are not under our control or unknown, like food adulteration, chemical usage in agriculture or biotechnologically grown crops or certain modifications in our food items, known to be as Virudh Ahara' in Ayurveda.

It was very well-known fact in the previous times, that certain combination of food were known to be as "vish' or "Toxic to Eat" which can cause certain diseases. Our ancestors were very much reluctant towards the combinations of milk & salt, ghee and honey, milk and fish and many other such combinations to be in a healthy state

But in today's time, we dont have enough knowledge or enough time to understand the real facts about healthy lifestyle and because of that mostly of us are in unhealthy state. Specially in females some diseases are prevalent and fibroid uterus is common problem among them which is mainly related to the disturbances in the levels of hormones, progestrone and oestrogen. Such disturbances are caused by various factors like overweight, smoking, low physical work, thyroid and multiple intake of OCPS etc. There symptoms inculude pain & discomfort in lower abdomen, heavy uterine bleeding, prolonged utering bleeding, irregular/frequent periods. dyspareunia, non cyclic pelvic pain, cramps during menses, weight gain etc.

Ayurveda explains fibroids as granthi / arbud. Vitiation of kapha, vat & pith in later stages disturbs artava vaha srotas. In case of single dosha dominance symptoms differ. Kapha granthi are less painful and increases in size gradually. If pain is there with dark menstrual flow and irregularities it means vitiation of vat is there and dominant vitiation of pit causes heavy bleeding.

In Ayurveda, we have excellent herbal remedies for treatment of fibroids. Herbs like sarca indica, bauhinia variegata, Ficus glomerata, commiphora mukul and asperagus racemosus helps to restore female's health from uterine fibroids. Moreover some hero-minerals also have a great imapct on the treatment of fibroids. Some bhasma like heerak bhasma , tamra bhasma and abhrak bhasma have great role in fibroids treatment and even helps in rejuvenation with their rasayan effect.