
Some text in the Modal..


शरीरेन्द्रिय्सत्त्वात्मसंयोगो धारि जीवितम् । नित्यगश्चानुबन्धश्च पर्यायौरायुरुच्यते ।।

The body when combined with the sense organs, mind and soul, becomes life.

Leech Therapy

It is a procedure of bloodletting using leeches for purification of blood. Leeches such the impure blood from the infected part and detoxifies the infected blood. It is very useful in Skin diseases varicose veins & blood-related problems.


Shirodhara is a form of Ayurveda therapy that involves gently pouring liquids over the forehead and can be one of the steps involved in Panchakarma. Shirodhara has been used to treat a variety of conditions including eye diseases, sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, greying of hair, neurological disorders, memory loss, insomnia, hearing impairment, tinnitus, vertigo, Ménière's disease and certain types of skin diseases like psoriasis.

Cupping Therapy

It is a procedure of creating local suction on the skin with the help of cups, Its is an advance way of raktamokshana done by Shringa in ancient times. It is very beneficial in lower back pain, Skin diseases, psoriasis, dermatitis, etc.

Shiro Lepa

In this procedure, a paste of various herbs and medicinal procedures is applied in the scalp. The scalp is then covered and fied with special kind of leaves which interact with the scalp. It is a very good rejuvenating therapy and is useful for Mental relaxation, vision, Memory, Stress- reduction, quality sleep hair growth & quality, healthy scalp neurological well being, etc.

Shiro Pichu

Shiro Pichu is an Ayurvedic treatment procedure which includes keeping a sterile cotton pad dipped in herbal oils on the crown of the head (anterior fontanelle) and wrapping it up with a bandage cloth. Shiropichu improves the circulation, mental relaxation, stress-reduction, nervous tension, migraine and diseases like MND


Nasya is a kind of Panchakarma treatment for body cleansing used in Ayurvedic medicine. Administration of herbal medicinal oil, ghrit or powder by the route of nasal cavity, is termed as nasya, nāvana, nasya karma, etc...are synonymous to nasya. Nasya have shown reduction in the signs and symptoms of cervical spondylosis, myopia, upper respiratory tract diseases, sinusitis, rhinitis, hairfall, hormonal imbalances like thyroid etc..

Niruha Basti

Administration of medicated decoction empty stomach in the form of enema is called as Kashaya Basti or Niruha Basti. It is compulsorily administered after localised massage and steam. The Niruha Basti gets expelled within few minutes to a maximum of 45 minutes duration. Locally it helps to evacuate the bowels completely and thus helps to removes the toxins locally.This helps in painful conditions like arthritis, tremors, tingling and numbness, paralysis, sciatica etc. It is very useful in diseases of abdominal viscera and obstructive conditions of flatus, urine and stools.

Uttar Basti

It is per urethral/ vaqiral administration of medication oil /ghee/decoction. It is noninvasive, economic, easy to practice, and minimum recurrence treatment for urethral strictures. Moreover, it is beneficial in PCOS, infertility - Male & female both DOB, fibroids, spontaneous & recurrent abortions, tubal blockages, urinary incontinence, BPH, UTI's, cystitis, and low sperm count, etc.

Janu Basti

It is performed by pouring & pooling medicated oils for a certain duration in a compartment around knee joints using dough/ equipment. It reduces knee pain, inflammation, relieves stiffness in the knee joint, removes spasm, muscle rigidity, joint degeneration, imbricated the joint and strengthens the nerves.

Greeva Basti

It is a procedure in which Medicated oil is retained for a certain period of time in the Greeva / Cervical region by administering oil into a ring made around this region with the help of dongh. It is generally followed by Sweden or fomentation which enables oil to radiate through the skin, or fermentation which enables oil to radiate through skin, muscles & ligaments releasing tension & stiffness of the whole neck region and upper spine end also nerve compression & spondylosis.

Kati Basti

An external Ayurvedic treatment of localized application of medicated oil used in a particular region on the back Benefits of kati basti and how it works : 1) Increases the circulation in the region, the skin absorbs the herbal oil, and both nourishes and strengthens the muscles and nerves. 2) Pacifies one of the primary sites of Vata, relieving pain, soreness, and tension and restoring flexibility. 3) Relieves chronic lower backaches and painful muscle spasms, and muscle stiffness.

Hridya Basti

Hridaya basti is a procedure in which the area around the heart or the cardiac region is continuously bathed with warm medicated oil & decoctions. It is used for relieving anxiety, fear unnatural palpitations, nervousness and is very heart / cardiac problems.

Nabhi Basti

In this procedure, a ring is made around nabhi/navel with the help of dough and warm medicated oil/ghee/dislocation is poured into the ring to fill it up. This medicine is continuously replaced many times to maintain a certain temperature for a certain period of time. It is very beneficial in diarrhea, irritable bevel syndrome, indigestion, gastritis, anorexia, and various metabolic diseases.

Matra Basti

It is a type of Sneha Basti - " enema with oil/ghee". It stays in the colon for a maximum period (12 hours or more) & the amount is able 60ml/day. It is very useful in many diseases especially related to digestive system degenerative diseases, weakness, hormonal imbalance, paralysis, nervous system diseases, etc.

Yapna Basti

The word ‘yapana’ means to sustain or to maintain. The therapeutic enema (basti) intended for sustaining life is termed as ‘Yapana basti’. It is indicated in chronic and critical conditions like urolithiasis (ashmari), insanity (unmada), obstinate urinary diseases (prameha), abdominal distension. In current practices, yapana basti is mainly used in disease of shukra and asthi dhatu like infertility and lumbar spondylosis etc.

Akshi Tarpan

Akshi Tarpan is a procedure in which eyes of patient are filled with medicated oil or ghee for a certain period of time. It is very beneficial for eye diseases, vision problems, eye injuries, cataracts, conjunctivitis, etc.


Karn Purana is a procedure in which warm medicated oil is poured into the ear- canals to maintain optimal health of ears & jaw. It reduces dryness or itching in the ears, prevents ear infections, reduces tinnitus/ringing in the ears neck & jaw stiffness, relieves headaches, reduces vertigo and congestion from wax or yeast overgrowth.


Svedana or Swedana, means to "perspire". It is used in Ayurvedic treatment. It is also called as steam therapy. There are different types of swedana. Sitting in sun is also called as swedana. Swedana is a pre procedure for Panchakarma. An herbal combination is sometimes added to the steam for medicinal effect.

Agni Karma

It is a kind of thermal micro containerization using a specialized Agni karma "Shalaka" (a metallic instrument). It is an instant pain-relieving technique among Ayurveda treatments and very effective in all types of musculoskeletal disorders, such as osteoarthritis, sciatica, spondylosis, frozen shoulder, etc.


Vamana Karma, also known as medical emesis or medical vomiting, is one of the five Pradhana Karmas of Panchakarma which is used in treating Kaphaj disorders, like chronic cough, seizure disorders, epilepsy, psoriasis, etc.


Virechana is the administration of purgative substances for the cleansing of pitta through the lower pathways. It is necessary to first do 3 days of internal oleation, and preferably both snehana (oleation) and svedana (sweating), which are purva karma. Virechana cleanses blood toxins, the sweat glands, kidneys, stomach, small intestine, colon, liver, spleen, and rakta vaha srotas and is best for skin diseases, gall bladder stones, PCOD etc.
