Stress Management through ayurveda
Stress is an integral part of our current lifestyle. One way or another we are trapped around various factors causing stress. Ayurveda explains stress in a very simpler manner in terms of "sohas", it may be sharirik i.e bodily or mansik i.e mental. According to ayurveda the main cause of "sohas" is ojakshay i.e, loss of immune strength causing various diseases. This is what we are all facing in our lives today and not able to manage it successfully.
Ayurveda explains about stress and its management under "manas rog" and carefully explains the diet and lifestyle for its management in our day to day life. According to ayurveda psychological stress is the primary threat to mankind and difficult to manage. Psychological stress includes udveg(excitement), shok(anxiety/depression) which creates disequilibrium among normal state of mind that is krodh(anger)
Ayurveda believes in prevention of any diseases, so to manage stress there are following steps which you have to do have relief: